
  • Réka Nyitrai

    chirp of a sparrow
    this is what I am
    on my birthday


    simmering eggs—
    our silence hardens
    the yolks


    hot & cold


    my clone—
    I hope she is
    a florist


    a flute sonata
    shifts the moon


  • Réka Nyitrai

    cherry blossom night
    the time-worn face
    of my sleeping husband

    Presence  Issue 67, 2020

  • Réka Nyitrai

    the cuckoo's call
    in a dream — a summer
    spent in seclusion


    deep autumn—
    quinces gather light
    on a windowsill


    fading lotus...
    its new body
    a hummingbird


  • Steliana Cristina Voicu

    boiling peach jam…
    my daughter paints
    a sunset

    gem de piersici fierbând…
    fiica mea pictează
    un apus de soare



    romanian village –
    linden moon accompanies
    the wedding procession

    sat românesc –
    luna de tei însoţind
    alaiul de nuntă



    birthday alone…
    even linden blossoms
    two by two

    singur de aniversare…
    până şi florile de tei
    două câte două



    silver wedding…
    the fragrance
    of the ripe fruits

    nunta de argint…
    fructelor coapte


  • Steliana Cristina Voicu

    vineyard wedding -
    the moon turns
    into chardonnay

    Asahi Haikuist Network, November 15, 2019

  • Steliana Cristina Voicu

    recovery after
    the appendectomy –
    the weight
    of orange blossoms
    beyond the window

    după apendicită –
    florilor de portocal
    dincolo de fereastră


    look over there
    at those ripe berries!
    the cherry plum
    in the neighborhood
    fills with laughter

    uite acolo
    fructe pârguite!
    din vecinătate
    se umple cu râsete


  • Steliana Cristina Voicu

    Danube Delta –
    in the just bloomed waterlily
    a setting moon

    Delta Dunării –
    în nufărul abia deschis
    apune luna


    the way home …
    we stop in the wheat field
    for the rainbow

    drumul spre casă …
    oprim în lanul de grâu
    pentru curcubeu

  • Steliana Voicu

    magnolia in bloom --
    my secret garden
    is no longer secret

    The Mainichi - 3 March 2018


  • Voicu, Steliana Cristina

    blue ball dress –
    his eyes
    a sky full of stars


    insomnia –
    in every falling sakura
    a song about April


    white tea –
    the scent of your shirt
    in the morning


    long-lasting meteor…
    the cappuccino taste
    of your kiss


    care ritual at the mirror –
    the wind undresses
    the chestnut tree

  • Voicu, Steliana Cristina

    the way home...
    a cow's bell drips
    the evening glow 

    Honorable Mention - 71st Bashō Memorial English Haiku Contest, October 2017 Japan