(With a nod to Christian Bok)
pagan arts
an aardvark
snaps at ants
a car parks
at a plaza
stagnant stars
plays grandma,
drag bar
a skald
chants a stanza
madcap rant
play ball!
a bastard fan slags
last fall’s champs
desert seeds
the shepherd led
twelve sheep
wretched news
the fettered Empress
enters hell
shredded weeds
he rejects her
clever letters
he seeks revenge,
the rebel rendered
scented reeds
the egret pecks
childish dimwit,
I flirt, inciting
rising hill,
nitwits climbing
writing scripts
in pidgin …
thinning mist
stills drip,
I sip
illicit drinks
critics dismiss
his gimmicks …
glib shtick
old books,
proctors work proofs
of Wordsworth
owls bob
on cold posts —
hollow moon
voodoo storm,
bloodshot crows
drop on tombs
dot-com boom ...
old gold stocks
drop off
noon fog —
schoolboys stop
to toss rocks
junk rusts,
numbskulls pull up
surplus guns
gurus murmur
hurtful truths
humdrum bluff,
schmucks blurt
untruthful stuff
dusk ruckus ...
drunks gulp
suds plus rum
bull run ...
spurs cut
dust ruts