A Glimpse of Tomorrow

- a sequence of hokku -

apricot and pink. . .

a glimpse of tomorrow

in the clouds 

(Sheila Windsor)


setting sun . . .

the mantis folds

in prayer  

(Don Baird)


a raven –

slowly turning

into night

(Sandi Pray)

desolate wind –

by a sanctuary light

silence wails 

(Hansha Teki)

near dawn...

hungry nestlings call

the early bird

(Howard D. Moore)

a stork

standing on one leg...

the reflection

(Kala Ramesh)


These poems were posted within one day of each other in the Hokku Workshop forum on Facebook.  In looking them over, it dawned on me that they produced quite a nice hokku string and story. 

All poems are published with the expressed permission of the authors. ~ don baird

© 2013