otvorio vjetar
stranice knjige
lom tišine

the breeze-
pages of a book
breaking silence
u daljinama
prekrasnog obzora

in the distances
of great horizon
the dreams
nevidljivi čovjek
ispod krošnje kestenja
skuplja sjene

an invisible man
under the chestnut's crown
gathering shadows
vrtlar na zemlji
oživljava plodove
slikar crta

brings fruits to life
painter paints
jesenja šuma
znojni dlanovi
berača gljiva

autumn forest
the mushroom picker's
sweaty palms
ispod koraka srne
njiše se trava

under doe's paces
swaying grasses

A Croatian, Evica Kraljić, born 1952, has published 4 books of poetry and one of her prose work. Her 12 novels have been published in newspapers.